Octavo curso
En el paisaje transformador del 8º curso, los alumnos están preparados para alcanzar nuevas cotas tanto académicas como personales.

En el paisaje transformador del 8º curso, los alumnos están preparados para alcanzar nuevas cotas tanto académicas como personales.

With a well-rounded curriculum that encompasses advanced literature, mathematics, science, and social studies, they engage in thought-provoking discussions and complex problem-solving activities.

As they delve into more intricate concepts, they further hone their critical thinking skills and analytical abilities. In preparation for high school, 8th graders not only deepen their knowledge of historical events and scientific principles but also develop a deeper sense of social awareness and responsibility. Beyond the classroom, they might take on leadership roles, participate in community service projects, and continue exploring their passions through electives and extracurricular activities. This pivotal year empowers students to embrace challenges with confidence, fostering the skills and mindset they need for a successful transition to their next educational chapter.